Hello, I wanted to know what type of Exclusive dog food do you feed the schnauzers? There is different types so just want to give the right one to my two dogs.
HI Jessica, I feed Exclusive Puppy and lamb & Rice dog food to my dogs. There are many good dog foods out there to feed. Schnauzers tend to really love their food and you will want to watch their food intake.
Thank you very much for that information. I know there is but I just want to make sure to give them good food not Pedigree like I am right now. What about their ears, how often to I need to clean them. I read they can develope yeast infection.
Crystal, I haven’t had time to take Montana to the Vet. yet. but I know he is fine but I will get him there as soon as I can. We live in the boonies as I have told you. He has been here a week & doing great. In fact he is going outside even in the cold doing his business better than the old dogs. He goes inside also mostly on pee pad but for 8wks. he is doing great. I feed him separate or as separate as possible from others so I know he is eating 3-5 small amounts. Montana is exploring all over, sleeps good, active, plays w/my 31/2lb poodle Chip. They are buddies. He is everything you said he would be. He seemed to have handled his long plane ride & driving day very good for a little guy. I soak his food in water to soften it since he looks like a little bat when he opens his mouth. Trying to cut those teeth. We are very please with your baby & he will be here a very long time. Gorgeous color & coat. His black is like shiny velvet.
Hello, I wanted to know what type of Exclusive dog food do you feed the schnauzers? There is different types so just want to give the right one to my two dogs.
HI Jessica, I feed Exclusive Puppy and lamb & Rice dog food to my dogs. There are many good dog foods out there to feed. Schnauzers tend to really love their food and you will want to watch their food intake.
Thank you very much for that information. I know there is but I just want to make sure to give them good food not Pedigree like I am right now. What about their ears, how often to I need to clean them. I read they can develope yeast infection.
Crystal, I haven’t had time to take Montana to the Vet. yet. but I know he is fine but I will get him there as soon as I can. We live in the boonies as I have told you. He has been here a week & doing great. In fact he is going outside even in the cold doing his business better than the old dogs. He goes inside also mostly on pee pad but for 8wks. he is doing great. I feed him separate or as separate as possible from others so I know he is eating 3-5 small amounts. Montana is exploring all over, sleeps good, active, plays w/my 31/2lb poodle Chip. They are buddies. He is everything you said he would be. He seemed to have handled his long plane ride & driving day very good for a little guy. I soak his food in water to soften it since he looks like a little bat when he opens his mouth. Trying to cut those teeth. We are very please with your baby & he will be here a very long time. Gorgeous color & coat. His black is like shiny velvet.